Keystone XL: Happy Birthday the Snake is Dead

January 23 2021

by Joye Braun – Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe

A few days before the announcement about Keystone XL we got word that Biden would cancel it. It was just rumors but as each day passed it was looking more promising and less wishful thinking. So honestly I had a few days’ warning that it might happen.  However, I’ve been down this road before and I wanted to see the ink on the paper before I really believed it.

We were getting press releases ready, just in case of course, and making phone calls, checking in with our people who might know more than us, and talking with allies to make sure we were all on the same page in talking points. This is the work that goes on on the back side. It’s not glamorous but it is based on relationships.

We’ve Got Work To Do

January 20th was my birthday. I haven’t spent much energy on my birthday since before I turned 50. I’ve been fighting KXL for 10 years now and in between I’ve been fighting the Dakota Access Pipeline and raising awareness where I could regarding gold and uranium mining in the Black Hills. Of course, one fight interwoven through all these other fights is Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives.

So Wednesday was my birthday and I do look forward to the inauguration spectacle every four years. This year more so. The song “Ding Dong the Witch is Dead” played in my head as well as NSYNC’s song Bye Bye Bye. I was definitely happy to see the Orange one leaving. 

Now I’m not a big Biden fan, but I will take him because we can work under his administration to fix the huge mess Trump made. He’s not a savior, but we have a better chance at surviving and to start fixing things. We’ve got work to do but I’m not opposed to hard work.

Happy Birthday, The Snake is Dead

My husband greeted my morning with “Happy Birthday, you got a President!” The day was busy and I made an appointment to get my Covid-19 vaccine. That was my present to myself. It was there that I got the news that Biden did indeed sign the revocation of the international crossing of KXL. I couldn’t let out a lililililili or even cry, I was busy getting the vaccine along with my husband and son. In the parking lot, I didn’t want to scare the elders. So later after I read the order I finally let out a big sigh. It felt like 2 tons had been lifted off my chest. Like I could breathe deeply. Then I got a fever, and after-effects of the shot.

I am happy. I know we have to make sure this sticks and TransCanada doesn’t pull some crazy crap. I know Canadian officials are mad but they should be investing in a just transition away from fossil fuels and not investing in dirty tar sands – that’s a dying industry. I’m glad we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

We’ve got more fights ahead of us. Line 3 must be stopped, DAPL is still running illegally, uranium and gold mining in the Black Hills, stopping fracking, building regenerative economies etc. But today is a good day.

A Tribute to Joye

Joye Braun (Wambli Wiyakawin) passed away on Sunday the 13th of November, 2022, at her home on the Cheyenne River Sioux reservation.  

No report of the events of the NODAPL efforts are complete without mention of this indomitable spirit.

Joye was the apex Water Protector. The very first camper at Standing Rock and the pre-eminent front liner for KXL. It could be argued that she was one of the most important people on our planet over the past couple of decades and that the world climate movement would look a lot different had it not been for the life and work of Joye Braun.

Joye’s legend may still be unknown to the majority of the world – indigenous invisibility is a real thing – but because of her huge and giving heart, the people she touched, and the things she helped inspire, everyone has and will continue to reap the rewards of her incredible existence.


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